Down Syndrome Awareness Videos
Below are a list of videos that schools or other organizations can play for the entire school.
Show a video to students. This is something that could possibly be shown at lunch, home room, or at an assembly.
The Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati created a new Down syndrome awareness video aimed at younger children. They have tested it with kindergartners and the response has been positive.
8 minutes 17 seconds
More Alike than Different, Created and Produced by Lauren and Paul Costabile
2 minutes 37 seconds
Just Like You, by the Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas
13 minutes 37 seconds
Don't Limit Me, Megan Bomgaars
4 minutes 18 seconds
True Colors, Matty B
3 minutes 20 seconds
Just the Way You Are, Matty B
3 minutes 24 seconds
Here is a link to a video of the book, My Friend Isabelle.
3 minutes 59 seconds