Andy was born on January 20,2014 and although we didn't feel it at the time he was the greatest gift God has given us. Doug and I didn't know Andy had Down syndrome and the diagnoses took a toll on is. Emotionally it was extremely difficult to handle and accept and came with all sorts of medical complications as well. He had a hole in his heart and difficulty breathing on his own. After 3 weeks in the nicu we were finally able to take our baby home. As scared as I was I felt so much support from all of my 21 strong family and our family at home. I felt confident that I would be the best mom I could for Andy, even though there was so much unknown. Andy was born a fighter and hasn't given up since. 1 month after taking him home he was in the hospital again for a Major infection, we spent our one year anniversary at Yale. After 2 weeks we went home only to need open heart surgery a few months later. Complications with that led to a pacemaker and a whole new set of unknowns. After a long month we set home to face life with our little guy and I was determined to learn all I could. Every day was a battle but after time the sadness was replaced by smiles, the tears wiped away with laughs. His milestones meant so much more and He was Andy, I no longer saw Down syndrome. Andy changed me in so Many ways.... I'm a better mom for having the opportunity to raise him! Fast forward to now.... He is the big brother to his little sister Emma and his biggest fan. He is feisty, smart, loving, cuddly, ambitious and strong. When Andy wants to do something nothing stands in his way. He's 2.5 and he is coming along with his talking. He is happy and smiles all the time. His smile could light up the darkest sky. 21 strong has helped me cope with the darkest times in my life to date, they have supported me , prepared me and guided me. They've been the best of friends I could have ever asked for. Nothing about Down syndrome is down.... Is a different life but sure is an AMAZING life. I consider myself luckier then most. I have the healthy typical child most people have and then I was fortunate enough to be blessed with Andy. He opens my eyes to an innocence about the world nobody else can, he forces me to stop and focus on the moment and drop planning..... He taught me that the best things in life are the ones that were completely unexpected. ~Michelle |